Our Company Profile

Livingstone Tourism Academy is a BBEE compliant training provider, launched in 2008 to provide training and development opportunities for our clients.
The joint venture partners of LTA are African Dream-Makers NPC (2012/187332/08), Livingstone Tourism Academy (Pty) Ltd (future holding company) and their employees.
LTA is an accredited training provider operating since 2008.
LTA offers a variety of training programs and proved itself in especially training tourism related qualifications, entrepreneurship and also public services programs. We have trained more than 1500 tourist guides.
LTA’s aim is to provide training which satisfies the need for real skills in South Africa by offering short courses based on skills programs and the FETC L4 National Tourist Guide Certificate.

Our Vision

To contribute to skills training and development in South Africa thus indirectly contributing to job creation and a better country for all especially youth and unemployed in the Rural areas of South Africa using Tourist Guiding as the vehicle for sustainable development.


It is the mission of LTA to provide excellent and relevant training to learners in the tourism and hospitality industry. This will be done by:

• Using English as medium of instruction
• Enabling learners to gain knowledge, skills and values
• Developing the learner’s skill to disseminate relevant information
• Delivering an educational program which meets the needs of both the individual learner and the larger community
• Demanding the highest standard of excellence in all areas of scope

You can download our complete company profile here.

Get In Touch

Jacques Nell

Email livingstoneta1@outlook.com

Phone +27 (0) 71 684 7184

Or you can send us a Message Here

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